“Water is a core of everything, its safety is directly proportional to ours”
Established in the year 2019-20 WELM Foundation
is an intersection of knowledge, awareness, concern and responsibility towards
contributing a bit in direction of a safe future. The team is an amalgam of likeminded
people who have stepped forward to turn the stones of water & environment challenges upside
down. Unsustainable use of natural resources especially water have made the
situations already very alarming at many places, and it is no wonder that
sooner or later each living being will be in this inevitable trap.
Welm team has undertaken a grassroot level work with a mission of eradicating the vulnerability of unsustainable water management. Known is the fact that waterborne diseases are as fatal as a path to death, hence it becomes highly important for people to know the value of drinking pure and clean water. Committed as an organization , we initiate by “Educating People” , then follow the rest, as awareness itself does much of the percentage work !! that we aim for.
Our Vison
By 2030, we aim to empower 30,000 students and 1000 teachers through innovative learning methods to drive awareness and behavioral change towards ecological sustainability, while we strive to becoming gain recognized leader in the CSR space for our impact.
Our Mission
WELM Foundation is to empower society and especially students community through experiential learning to drive awareness, behavioural change, and responsibility for water and environmental conservation for a sustainable future.
Our Objectives:
1. Provide
E-STEM education: Our objective is to provide E-STEM education to
students to enhance their understanding of water & environmental science and modern
technologies and equip them with the skills to apply this knowledge to
real-world environmental problem solving.
2. Promote
E-STEM Education: E-STEM
education is a direct response to the realization that Nation’s future will be
built on its capacity to innovate, invent and creatively solve problems. E-STEM
education produces exactly the kind of thinkers, innovators and problem solvers
that our world demands.
3. Develop
future environmental leaders using modern technologies: We
aim to inspire and empower students to become future leaders in the field of water & environmental science, technology and contribute to the development of
sustainable solutions.
4. Encourage
sustainable practices: Our objective is to promote sustainable practices
among students by encouraging them to adopt eco-friendly behaviors and make
environmentally responsible choices.
5. Fostering
partnerships: We work to build partnerships with educational
institutions, community organizations, and government agencies to support our
efforts and promote environmental sustainability.