Event Start Date

May 07, 2022

Event End Date

August 31, 2022


Pan India

Welm Watertech 1.0 Challenge

Dear Education Leader

Greetings of the day from Welm foundation !

 Sub: Regarding participation of your school in Welm WaterTech 1.0 Challenge

Discovery technique to gauge the depth of water crisis.

Welm Foundation encourages talks about water, both, access to clean drinking water and the habit of drinking adequate water through innovative ways among tomorrow’s water leaders. 

We, at Welm also, discovered that even grown-up children learn experientially better, if there is a challenge in that experiential learning, that’s icing on the cake. 

WaterTech 1.0 Challenge.

Bang comes the idea, how about a DO IT YOURSELF (DIY) water testing electronic IOT device for the middle and senior school where they can set sensors based on the proven research on the nature of potable water source in their schools/locality. A notification comes to the mobile phone of the school administrator/responsible persons whenever there is a contamination or deviation.

 A potable water issue that we take for granted.

Emboldened, Welm Foundation identified a problem that we all knew exists, potable water quality test. We all drink water without knowing whether it complies to BIS standard of 20 parameters of clean potable water. Several long-term diseases are caused due to deficiency or excess of certain element in our drinking water.

 SO, what are the safety checkpoints today?

There are two ways to test potable water, soluble/reagent based, which is not near accurate, electronic sensors based, where accuracy is much higher. Survey conducted by Welm Foundation reveals, very few schools test themselves potable water resource on a regular basis.

           We made a challenge out of it, to foster creativity and healthy spirit of competitiveness, there is reward and recognition to ensure that the best comes out of the students’ participants.   

Where is the innovation?

Tomorrow’s water leaders are ‘Atmanirbhar’ and great innovators, Welm will provide, semi knocked down kits, Software SDK, water testing sensors probes, which can be scaled to innovative ideas relevant to potable water. Training support online by industry partners and in person by mentors to innovate towards sustainable school water ecosystem. Some areas could be, but not limited to:


1.       Self-sustaining energy source.

2.      Engaging more resources.

3.      Innovative use of RO water waste, or ac water into the water ecosystem.

The Learning outcome from Educator’s perspective:

1. Apart from innovating and a cutting edge interdisciplinary experience, like chemistry, electronics, electrical, computer science, environmental science, students also benefit the learning by doing exposure.

2.    Improving Teamwork and Collaboration: 21st century skills.

3     Enhancing Social and Emotional Learning.

4.    Developing Academic Heroes.

5.     Increasing Intrinsic Motivation.

  Registration can be done through Google link:   https://forms.gle/6sJHhtiUJXZkNLfL7

Thanking you

Team Welm Foundation

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